Funding has Gulgong Pony Club jumping for joy

Improved facilities at the Gulgong Pony Club and Polocrosse Grounds are one step closer thanks to a grant from the NSW Government’s Community Building Partnership Program.

Member for the Dubbo electorate Dugald Saunders has today announced $110,011 to begin work on a long-awaited clubhouse for the three user groups: Gulgong Polocrosse, the Gulgong Pony Club, and Working Equitation.

“These grounds have tremendous horse facilities, but for years the humans have made do with demountables, and second-hand toilets from 1946 in old-shipping containers – all of it well past its use-by date,” Mr Saunders said.

“Their dream is to build a clubhouse with amenities, a canteen and dining room, capable of attracting competitors from far and wide, and this grant will lay the foundation.”

In recent years the Gulgong Pony Club and Polocrosse Ground Lands Manager has added a new water tank, steel yards, round yard, post and rail fence and circular pressurised water pipeline to facilitate wash downs – all with the best interests of the horses in mind.

“We’ve been doing a lot of work on the facilities for the horses – now it’s time to work on the offerings for people so we attract more people and events,” Treasurer Helen Dickinson said.

“This funding is a huge boost and it will give us the momentum we need to go forward and to keep working to improve the ground for the whole Mid-Western area.

“We’d love to be able to match the facilities the soccer and footy clubs have got, to look after our equestrian users.”

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