A Sporting Christmas brought to life 

Children across the Dubbo electorate have once again unleashed their creativity in this year’s Christmas card design competition, with the theme of “your sporting Christmas” according to Member for the Dubbo electorate Dugald Saunders. 

Each year Mr Saunders calls for primary-school children across the electorate to help design his Christmas card, and this year St Laurence’s primary school in Dubbo took out first place! 

Brianna Perera (11) was awarded the top prize with her amazing drawing of Santa playing cricket, along with a range of local references to sport. 

Second place was taken out by Zoe Dalby (11) from Cudgegong Valley public school at Mudgee, with an array of her favourite sports featured. 

And in third place was Mia Stevenson (9) from St Mary’s at Wellington, who put together a lovely vibrant image of sport under a Santa hat. 

“Brianna’s design was exceptional, and really captured the essence of what sport at Christmas can look and feel like, including Santa playing cricket, and a canoe being pulled by reindeer,” Mr Saunders said. 

“Christmas and sport varies from family to family, but it was fantastic to get an insight into how children right across the electorate feel about sport at this time of year.  

“A big thank you to all the students who put so much effort into their designs this year – and the teachers and parents for their ongoing support!” 

This year saw more than 500 entries as school children across the Dubbo electorate showed off their talent and creative flair. 

Brianna’s Christmas card design will start arriving in mailboxes across the Dubbo electorate in the next couple of weeks. 

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