Vaccination Rates across the Region

Vaccination has been an absolute game-changer in the fight against COVID-19 and it’s fantastic for our community that things can start to open up progressively from next Monday:

These freedoms are only made possible thanks to high rates of vaccination, and I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has done the right thing by your loved ones and the wider community by getting vaccinated! Vaccination reduces the risk of you spreading the virus to someone vulnerable, which could cost them their life.

It also means some changes to the way we deal with COVID cases going forward, including:

  • Everyone, vaccinated and not vaccinated, is urged to get tested if you have any symptoms of COVID-19 and immediately self-isolate until a negative result is received
  • Whether you are vaccinated or not vaccinated, if you test positive for COVID-19 you must self-isolate for 14 days
  • Close contacts will include household members and close social contacts of positive cases, regardless of vaccination status. Anyone may also be assessed as a being a close contact following a risk assessment, including at workplaces and high-risk settings
  • If you are a close contact of a positive case and vaccinated, you must get tested and self-isolate for seven days. On day six after exposure, you must get tested again. If a negative result is received and you are well, you can end isolation after day seven. For the following seven days you must work from home where practicable, not attend hospitality settings, and not attend a high-risk settings even if it is your place of work
  • If you are a close contact of a positive case and not vaccinated you must get tested and immediately self-isolate for 14 days. On day 12, you should get tested again. If a negative result is received, you can end isolation after day 14
  • The Service NSW QR code check-in system will remain in place in the general community. This system will be used to notify people who were in the same venue as a positive case. People will be asked to monitor for symptoms and get tested if they become unwell.
  • People aged 16 years and over will only be allowed entry into some venues or settings if fully vaccinated, along with people with exemptions. In some venues, children under 16 will have to be accompanied by a fully vaccinated member of their household to enter

For more information, including advice on compliance obligations and penalties for businesses and individuals, go to:

1 thought on “Vaccination Rates across the Region”

  1. So the NSW government is concerned with our health. If so, why would one read about so much tax dollars being poured into this? ‘A new Health Centre to care for and support LGBTQ people to improve their health will be established by ACON as part of the first NSW LGBTIQ+ Health Strategy unveiled today.
    The Centre will deliver primary care and GP, mental health, sexual health and cancer screening services for sexuality and gender diverse people across NSW. The NSW Government will invest $4.2m towards the Health Centre’s establishment, which will be led by ACON, NSW’s leading HIV and LGBTQ health organisation.
    Funding for the Health Centre is among other key initiatives announced today by the NSW Government, with the release of the NSW LGBTIQ+ Health Strategy. As well as the Health Centre, the NSW Government will also provide support for specialist health services for trans and gender diverse young people and provide investment to kickstart local education and training initiatives. In total, the government is investing $12 million in support of the Strategy.’

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