The NSW Government has committed up to $82 million over six months to support local government early childhood services who are ineligible for the Commonwealth Government’s JobKeeper payments.
In addition to supporting eligible services such as Long Day Care and Out of School Hours Care, the funding will support Family Day Care Co-ordinators and support staff who are employed by local councils.
Member for the Dubbo Electorate Dugald Saunders said NSW was the first state to guarantee to match the Commonwealth funding, providing Council services with 100% of their previous fee revenue (up to a daily cap).
“Council-run services in Dubbo Regional Council, and Mid-Western Regional Council will be amongst the best supported in the country,” Mr Saunders said.
“Dubbo Regional Council will be receiving $194,367 to help run Dubbo Family Day Care, and Rainbow Cottage Child Care Centre Dubbo. While Mid-Western Regional Council will receive $29,250 to assist the Mid-Western Regional Family Day Care Scheme”.
Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning Sarah Mitchell said this will provide financial certainty to local government early childhood services, ensuring they remain viable throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and into the future.
“This will allow them to continue to provide essential services for local communities,” Ms Mitchell said. Payments for the first three-month period will be made as a one-off lump sum in June 2020. All payments will be backdated to April 6. This simple and practical solution was worked through with representatives of local government.