Students to benefit from TAFE tech upgrades

TAFE students across the Dubbo electorate will benefit from a $230,000 investment in on-campus technologies.

The NSW Government is investing a total of $10 million in technology for TAFE NSW classrooms, providing students with the best possible opportunity to learn.

Member for the Dubbo electorate Dugald Saunders said the region is receiving 220 new devices across the Dubbo, Dubbo Rural Skills Centre, Dunedoo, Mudgee, and Wellington campuses.

“The classroom asset refresh program is testament to the NSW Government’s commitment to TAFE NSW and delivering the pipeline of skilled workers that industry needs,” Mr Saunders said.

“Upgrading technology across our state-wide network of campuses is key to helping students get jobs, and supporting the NSW economy into the future.”

The investment is part of a state-wide program delivering technology upgrades to over 1500 learning spaces across 134 metropolitan, regional and rural TAFE NSW campuses this year.

Each new late model computer will come equipped with a keyboard, mouse and a large 27-inch monitor with the capability to view several windows at once.

Minister for Skills and Tertiary Education Geoff Lee said the investment is a prime example of how the NSW Government is investing in modern, industry-standard equipment to support quality educational outcomes.

“The new technology, which is faster and more powerful than before, enables students to access a wider range of computer applications and allows teachers to deliver the highest quality education and training,” Mr Lee said.

“The NSW Government is proud to invest in modern learning equipment to deliver the workforce of the future, and provide students with the digital literacy skills they need to hit the ground running once they graduate.”

For more information about studying at TAFE NSW, visit or phone 131 601.

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