Statement on COVID-19

I fully understand the serious nature of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation, which is why I decided to visit Dubbo Hospital today in order to get the absolute latest from one of our leading medicos.

And the message is clear – be alert, but not alarmed.

The nature of this situation is fluid and can change very quickly, but as we speak the best advice is to be cautious when it comes to symptoms.

Here’s a few things to be aware of:


• Keep your hands clean by washing them often with soap and water or using hand sanitiser

• Maintain social distance when you can, 1.5 metres between you and others is good

• Stay home if you are unwell and call, not visit, your own GP or call Healthdirect on 1 800 022 222 for advice


• Attend hospital unless you have travelled overseas in the past 14 days AND also have symptoms similar to a cold or flu, or if you have had close contact with a loved one or another person who has a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19

• Rely on rumour or innuendo for your information. A one-stop website for information about COVID-19 for the community and health professionals is available at:…

• Panic buy. It is vital we be community-minded and only purchase items we need when we need them so there is enough for everyone, especially the elderly.

I will be endeavouring to provide daily updates to the community, on social media and here on my website but if we practice common sense and help each other we can get through this.

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