Safer journeys and Old Dubbo Gaol

The journey between Narromine and Dubbo is set to become quicker and safer with work on overtaking lanes and other significant safety upgrades to commence before the end of the year!

The need for these overtaking lanes on the Mitchell Highway was identified in discussions I had with the community prior to the 2019 elections and I committed to making them a reality.

Since then the project has grown into a $30 million upgrade, with the work designed to improve safety and travel times between Dubbo and Narromine. It’s part of the NSW Government’s commitment to creating a safer and stronger regional NSW.

Initial investigations have been carried out and the TfNSW staff members are reviewing the design and environmental studies.

As it stands, work on the first overtaking lane is scheduled to start in late 2021 and each lane should take four or five months to construct. The whole project, which also includes 23km of audio-tactile markings and widening of the road, will make a massive difference for locals every day.

The Central West is the third largest contributor to the NSW economy and the Mitchell Highway is a crucial freight and tourism link for our region. The overtaking lanes will allow for more efficient journeys not only for freight vehicles, but also for the thousands of residents who commute for work between Dubbo and Narrmone everyday.


The Old Dubbo Gaol is not just a great tourism attraction, it’s also an important part of our heritage. So I was really excited to be able to announce $150,000 for some vital repairs last week, secured through the NSW Government’s Heritage Grants program.

As you would expect with a site that has such historical significance, there’s a few things that need some work. This money will be used to repair rot in timber posts, roof frames and eaves, as well as completing the conservation of stone walls in three buildings within the Gaol precinct.

It will also pay for the repair of cracked and leaking stormwater drains and the removal of sandstone pavers that have become damaged and cracked.

The staff at the Old Dubbo Gaol do such a fantastic job preserving our heritage, and telling the story of the goal to a wider auudience. I’m proud to be able to support them in any way I can!

I was also proud to announce another $23,000 for Dubbo Regional Council for the provision of a heritage advice service, and a small program for local items.


Until next week, Dugald.

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