The NSW Opposition is calling on the Minns Labor Government to come clean on its
biosecurity announcement that showed no new money across several key areas.

The majority of the funding provided to respond to major agricultural threats in the
2024/25 budget is leftovers from the 2023/24 allocation.

Last year’s budget papers for example included $80m for the Red Imported Fire Ants
response, but after just $25m was spent, the Agriculture Minister has re-announced
the remaining $55.3m today.

The same goes for supporting industries affected by varroa mite which had $36.2m of
the initial $77.2m left over, while $6.2m of the $10.2m in white spot assistance was not

The Government also only rolled out less than half of the $10m Good Neighbour
Program to tackle weed and pest infestations, with $5.8m appearing on the balance
sheet this year.

NSW Nationals Leader Dugald Saunders said this is a fake announcement and the
Minns Labor Government needs to do more to keep our primary producers safe.
“What we are seeing from the Minns Labor Government is figures that simply don’t add
up,” Mr Saunders said.

“Tara Moriarty is making a lot of claims in her media release today, when the only
actual “new” money we can see is $13m to continue the Feral Pig Program.

“It is extremely disingenuous to try and pass these re-announcements off as more
support and it doesn’t spell good news for our hard-working fishers and farmers.

“With a major red fire ant incursion spreading deeper into the state, our honey industry
having to manage varroa mite and foot and mouth disease knocking at our door, this
announcement provides no certainty to any part of the Ag sector.”

“It just shows that this Government is completely clueless when it comes to the
impacts that are being felt by our primary industries right now and there simply won’t
be enough new funding in next week’s budget to keep our food and fibre safe.”

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