New $70.7 million Mudgee Hospital officially opened

Ambulatory care space has doubled, dialysis capacity more than tripled and, in a first for the region, the new $70.7 million Mudgee Hospital also has a CT scanner.

Member for the Dubbo electorate Dugald Saunders joined with NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard to officially opened the new Mudgee Hospital today – well ahead of its scheduled completion in late 2020, ensuring it is prepared for any potential COVID-19 surge.

Mr Saunders said since the new Mudgee Hospital became operational on 27 May, there have been about 1,500 emergency department presentations, more than 370 patients admitted, 111 surgical and scope procedures performed and 36 babies born.

“It’s great to see the local community already benefiting from a bigger and better hospital that will deliver first-class care to the community well into the future,” Mr Saunders said.

“This hospital is a game changer for the people of the Mid-Western region, who now have more services close to home that means they can avoid having to travel for quality medical care.”

Mr Hazzard said the benefits of the new facility were evident already.

“This is an incredible transformation for the Mudgee community, which now has a world-class health facility with multiple services under the one roof,” Mr Hazzard said.

“For the first time, Mudgee Hospital also has a brand new CT scanner, already saving more than 200 locals a trip to Dubbo or Orange just in the past two months.”

The new Mudgee Hospital features:

  • A new, larger emergency department with five treatment bays, a purpose-built resucitation space, a safe assessment room and an isolation room
  • 28 acute general medical and surgical beds
  • New CT scanner and eight dialysis chairs (increased from two)
  • Four ambulatory care spaces (increased from two), including a treatment room
  • Maternity unit
  • Peri-operative service with operating rooms, day surgery area and recovery area
  • Outpatient services and community health
  • A four-chair Oncology service
  • Oral health (with an additional chair, taking the capacity to five chairs).

1 thought on “New $70.7 million Mudgee Hospital officially opened”

  1. So absolutely thrilled at the news of the new Mudgee Hospital. Congratulations to our NSW government and all concerned who achieved this outcome. As a pensioner without savings who has had thousands of dollars damage done to my home by neighbouring public housing tenants I need the NSW Government to compensate me enabling me to commence vital repairs. I am paying off a Centrelink loan which I took out to pay for my glasses.

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