More local roads to be fixed in Dubbo electorate

More roads in the region are in line for vital repair, maintenance and sealing work under Round Four of the NSW Government’s Fixing Local Roads program.

Member for the Dubbo electorate Dugald Saunders said previous rounds of the program have delivered over $12 million for projects across Dubbo Regional, Mid-Western Regional, and Narromine Shire Council Local Government Areas (LGAs).

“As we all know, after a few years of heavy rain many of our local roads are in poor condition,” Mr Saunders said.

“This program gives councils in our region the chance to apply for funding to deliver projects including sealing, resurfacing, gravel road maintenance, drainage improvement and patching, leading to more reliable, safer journeys with less wear and tear on vehicles.

“These improvements help stimulate our regional economies, and contribute to the social wellbeing of families, primary producers, truck drivers, and other road users.

“Big infrastructure projects might create a lot of headlines, but these are small projects that make a big difference in people’s everyday lives.”

So far, the Fixing Local Roads program has provided $547 million for 498 projects over three rounds. Of these, 203 are now completed, with a further 295 in the planning and construction phases.

Councils in the Dubbo electorate have until Friday 9 September 2022 to apply for Round Four Fixing Local Roads funding.

8 thoughts on “More local roads to be fixed in Dubbo electorate”

  1. Deanna McCarthy

    How do I apply to have Bungoona Rd Sealed?
    It gets graded once a year, which improves it for a month or so if it doesnt rain and then its bad for the rest of the year.

    1. Hi Deanna,
      Raise it with your local councillors. Council can consider it for its schedule of works, and apply for funding if needed.

  2. Kerry Braithwaite

    Rosedale road under is a bloody disgrace.
    We have now been changed from rural to residential for our rates .
    What do we get for that extra money we are now paying absolutely nothing.
    They just keep putting a Band-Aid over the potholes .
    Wouldn’t you think someone with a brain would say hey let’s concrete that under pass & fix it forever .
    No just add a few bloody guide post so idiots then can run them over what a big bloody waste of our tax payers money

  3. Dirt road maintenance.
    Please consider Spring Flat Road, Mudgee, which is a school bus route to be fixed.
    ALSO Spring Flat South Lane, eastern approach. This section is a L shaped thorough fare. We can’t use the western approach as it has washed out and the Eastern approach us bone jarring, vehicle destroying. It also hasn’t been graded in approximately 15 years.
    We had the police here to check gun licences and they said everyone has the right to have ambulance access.
    Most days an ambulance would not get to us. Also gps. Information is incorrect and people always get stuck. Please consider grading this road.
    I grow flowers on a large scale and getting these out of the property is nearly impossible without damage.

  4. Delroy Rd is in very poor condition and is desperate need of work as it is getting quite dangerous and barely drivable, we have made numerous complaints to council to no avail if something can be done it would be much appreciated.

  5. I have written to the DCC on several occasions to ask when they are going to repair our road their reply is always the same which is about 2 to 3 months yet this is not good enough the road is a disgrace to travel on each day it has potholes, corrigates,rocks the whole way and I don’t think it should be left up to the farmers to do the road. We are entitled to at least 3 to 4 grades a year. I’m sure if one of the council workers lived out here they would be doing something about it the rocks are dangerous to everyone’s tyres. The road needs gravel on it instead of the council grading it all to the sides.
    Please can you come out and just take a drive on the road and see how your vehicle handles the road I’m sure you’ll be swearing all the way
    Thank you
    Veronica Owen
    28L Ten Mile Lane Dubbo NSW

  6. Trish Dorrington

    Delroy Road is an accident waiting to happening. So corrugated you drive from one side to middle and other side our vehicles have had major damage due the road

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