A new round of funding to help regional councils fix local roads is set to drive safer, smoother journeys in the region, and support thousands of jobs in the bush.
Applications are now open for round three of the NSW Government’s $500 million Fixing Local Roads Program which is helping regional councils repair, maintain and seal priority local roads in their communities
Member for the Dubbo electorate Dugald Saunders said the program demonstrated the NSW Government’s commitment to ensuring safer and more reliable journeys across regional NSW.
“Our local councils have a mammoth task in providing for their communities and maintaining their infrastructure,” Mr Saunders said.
“Projects such as the upgrade of the Wheelers Lane/Keswick Parkway roundabout in Dubbo, the sealing of school bus routes near Mudgee, the sealing of Old Mendooran Road, and the rehabilitation of Raeburn Lane near Narromine have all been funded through previous rounds of this program.
“That’s why Fixing Local Roads is so important. It’s giving councils a helping hand to address their maintenance backlog and repair, and either maintain or seal the local roads that are identified as being priorities for our communities.”
In round three, councils will be able to apply for up to $3 million for a single road project and up to $1 million for packages of small road projects.
Information for councils on how to apply for funding, as well as the Program Guidelines for Round 3 of the Fixing Local Roads Program can be found on the Fixing Local Roads Program webpage nswroads.work/fixinglocalroads.
Hi Dugald
We have trying to get Ballimore rd repaired up to a standard that makes the rd safer
Would be great to see you push for some funding to help our cause