Milestone reached in public heritage plaza

A significant milestone in developing the Old Dubbo Gaol Heritage Plaza has been reached with Dubbo
Regional Council (DRC) finalising the hand over of 92 Macquarie Street to demolition contractors.

AGH Demolition and Asbestos Removal were successful after a rigorous public tender process. The company
has extensive experience in the management of hazardous materials and the demolition of institutional and
residential properties. AGH takes possession of the site today, Monday 7 February 2022.

Funded through the NSW Government’s Regional Growth Environment and Tourism Fund, and through
Council, DRC Mayor Mathew Dickerson said it was exciting to see the start of the project.

“The Public Heritage Plaza is part of Destination Dubbo: International Ready and will open up a large public
space from Macquarie Street to the Old Dubbo Gaol entrance,” said Mayor Dickerson.

“Being in the heart of our CBD, this is a significant development that will magnify the beautiful heritage buildings in that area and incorporate a wonderful cultural element through the large-scale kinetic artwork on the façade of our iconic
clock tower building.

“Measures will also be in place to ensure the protection of our heritage listed buildings with a qualified heritage
consultant given full access to the site during the demolition.”

The kinetic artwork will be created by Indigenous artist Dr Bianca Beetson to the theme ‘community, country,
connection: finding common ground’.

The demolition process is estimated to take 12 weeks, with the first stage to consist of the removal of internal
assets and structures including stripping out internal finishes, the plant room, the removal of the lift and bank
safe as well as mechanical equipment, followed with the installation of structural support and safety hand

“There are proven economic benefits of open spaces being incorporated into CBDs, and in this case it will
encourage people to dwell and enjoy the space while supporting our heritage attraction of Old Dubbo Gaol,”
said DRC Director Culture and Economy Natasha Comber.

Member for the Dubbo electorate Dugald Saunders has welcomed the commencement of the landmark

“The heritage plaza will completely transform our city’s CBD, bringing the iconic Old Dubbo Gaol out
of hiding and into pride of place on Macquarie Street,” he said.

“I know Council staff have spent many years developing this project, and I’m proud the NSW Government has partnered with DRC to make it a reality.

Once 92 Macquarie St has been stripped back to a basic structure, fitted with structural support and protection
measures put in place, heavy demolition will take place over approximately two weeks.

Surrounding businesses will be notified of specific dates and times for works as it progresses. Further
information on any road closures will be communicated once plans are in place, and more information will be
made available once the handover to the contractor occurs.

More information on the Destination Dubbo project is available at:

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