MEDIA STATEMENT: Dubbo Regional Livestock Markets

In recent weeks I have received numerous complaints from constituents across the electorate expressing their concerns in relation to the restricted access to the Dubbo Regional Livestock Markets.

While a lot has changed in the world as a result of COVID-19, livestock sales have been exempt from restrictions outlined in NSW Public Health Orders, except for adhering to 1.5m physical distancing.

This has been the case from the outset, and has been reiterated publicly and to me by the NSW Agriculture Minister Adam Marshall on multiple occasions.

Given this is the case, and always has been, I see no reason why attendance at livestock sales should be limited as long as the 1.5m physical distancing protocols are being adhered to.

The NSW Government is following the advice of Health experts and winding back COVID-19 restrictions.

It makes no sense that a primary producer can now sit in a pub with 49 strangers, but cannot attend the livestock sales they rely on for their livelihood.

I strongly urge Dubbo Regional Council, as the operator of the Dubbo Regional Livestock Markets, to support all local livestock producers.

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