Local Sport Grant Program applications open

Community sport organisations can now score a major funding boost, with applications open for the NSW Government’s Local Sport Grant Program.

Member for the Dubbo electorate Dugald Saunders said the program provides grants up to $10,000, with up to $50,000 available in each NSW electorate.

“Community sporting clubs are the lifeblood of our community, and so many are in need of a cash injection so they can upgrade facilities and boost participation,” Mr Saunders said.

“These grants have supported the Dubbo Dirt Bike Club’s annual Mac Daddy Memorial Cup charity event, Mudgee Rugby League’s inaugural Indigenous round, coaching for Gulgong Little Athletics, sunshades at the Wellington Golf Club, equipment for the Narromine Soccer Club, and helped boost access to the Trangie Aquatic Centre.

“This funding will help more local people to participate in community sport and recreation activities.”

The program will focus on initiatives that enable more people to enjoy the benefits of playing sport, regardless of their age, gender, background or ability.

Minister for Sport Alister Henskens said last year the Program funded more than 830 projects across NSW.

“We want more people playing sport in our State, which is why we’re growing participation and helping people boost their budget through programs like the Active Kids voucher program,” Mr Henskens said.

“The Local Sport Grant Program is about giving community sporting clubs a boost, by investing in clubs to improve facilities, enhance accessibility and hold new and exciting events and development programs that engage people of all ages and abilities.”

Applications close Monday 21 November. More information is available online.

2 thoughts on “Local Sport Grant Program applications open”

  1. Eric Greenhalgh..

    As chair of the Rosewood Community Shed Committee,we have been requested to apply for the following grant. The Rosewood cricket club that was formed in about 1890 and is still going strong today,need a new mower,,a finishing mower for the playing field, the old one,is about as old as the club… A new one will cost some six thousand five hundred… The Rosewood C.S.C, inc, we also have ABN ,,insurance 20m,
    Please ,, help.

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