Crown land managers and community groups that use Crown land in the Dubbo electorate are invited to apply for a share of $17 million in grants to upgrade and maintain community facilities and reserves across NSW.
Member for the Dubbo electorate Dugald Saunders said applications for the NSW Government’s Crown Reserves Improvement Fund are open until 25 June 2021.
“In the last round of this program we funded some wonderful projects, including a multipurpose tennis court at Mungery Hall, electrical and solar upgrades at Hargraves Recreation Reserve, amenities and water upgrades at Cooyal Recreation Reserve, and a new judge’s tower at Trangie Showground,” Mr Saunders said.
“These are essential projects that help us help the communities that look after these facilities on behalf of the government.
“Grant applications are open to Crown land reserve managers and users including local councils, community groups, showgrounds and caravan parks, so I strongly encourage eligible local organisations to apply.”
Minister for Water, Property and Housing Melinda Pavey said grants will support projects that can deliver social, environmental, cultural and economic benefits.
“Crown reserves play a critical role by protecting the environment and providing green open spaces for parks, ovals, walking, cycling and sports and recreation activities to keep communities healthy and happy,” Mrs Pavey said.
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