Time to have your say to boost opportunities for women

Women across the region are being urged to have their say and help shape the direction and priorities of the next NSW Women’s Strategy, with public consultation now open.

The NSW Women’s Strategy provides a policy framework to help improve the lives of women by addressing the structural issues that affect gender equality.

Member for the Dubbo electorate Dugald Saunders said it’s important the Strategy reflects the priorities and experiences of women across regional, rural and remote NSW – not just the major cities.

“Getting the next Strategy right relies on us understanding what is working well, and what areas we need to focus on,” Mr Saunders said.

“We know those in country areas are already impacted by geography in addition to any other barriers they may face, so it’s important to hear from all corners of the state.”

Minister for Women Bronnie Taylor said the more women we hear from, the better understanding we have of what we need to do to improve the lives of all women in our state, no matter their age, their background or their postcode.

“We’ve made incredible progress in improving economic opportunity for women in NSW since the last strategy was released four years ago, but there is still work to be done to improve women’s health and wellbeing and increase women’s participation in our communities,” Mrs Taylor said.

The NSW Government’s Women’s Economic Opportunities Review announced in February 2022 complements the development of the new NSW Women’s Strategy.

Public consultation is open to all women, and any individuals or organisations that work closely with women. Online public consultation is open from Tuesday, 24 May until 5pm Monday, 20 June.

To read more about the strategy or share your input, visit the Have Your Say website: haveyoursay.nsw.gov.au/nsw-womens-strategy-consultation

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