Funding for our towns, and the COVID-19 outbreak

Last week was a big one in the Dubbo electorate, and it was great to be able to make some significant announcements that will help communities in our region.

The towns of Narromine, Trangie and Tomingley each received funding through the Stronger Country Communities program, and it was wonderful to be able to hit the road and make announcements in Narromine and Trangie.

This funding, totaling more than $700,000 will help the Cale Oval and Dundas Park precincts in Narromine, while playgrounds in Tomingley and Trangie will also be upgraded.

On Friday I also ventured to Geurie where we opened a new storage shed worth about $60,000 that was largely funded by the NSW Government with a small contribution from the local school.

In the overall scheme of things this wasn’t a massive project but it is one that I committed to before last year’s election and one that will be of enormous benefit to the school community.


It’s been a strange week with COVID-19 filling our news feeds, and while it feels like the information cycle is overwhelming, there are some important things that need to get out into the public domain.

On Monday, NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard made an Order under Section 7 of the Public Health Act 2010 to force the immediate cancellation of public events with more than 500 people.

Under the planned changes, individuals who fail to comply could face up to six months in prison or a fine of up to $11,000 or both, plus additional penalties for each day the offence continues. Corporations face even harsher fines.


From Monday, 16 March, all new Supreme and District Court jury trials will be suspended until further notice. Jury trials already underway will continue.

Visitors not involved in proceedings are asked to stay away from any NSW court building and measures will also be implemented to reduce contact between parties in current matters.

At this stage, schools will continue to operate as per normal however non-essential mass gatherings such as assemblies, excursions and sports carnivals will not proceed.


The COVID-19 situation is extremely fluid and things are changing almost by the hour, and I encourage people seeking information to visit the official websites of NSW Government departments for the most up-to-date and correct data.

Until next week, Dugald

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