Funding deadline extended for Habitat Action Grants

Member for the Dubbo electorate Dugald Saunders is encouraging the region’s fishos to get their applications in for the NSW Government’s Habitat Action Grants program, after the deadline was extended until 16th October.

Mr Saunders said that recreational fishing groups, Landcare organisations, high schools and local councils in the region would all be able to submit a funding application to see their native fish habitats flourish.

“This is a fantastic grants program that I hope all anglers in the region can take full advantage of,” he said.

“Our waterways here, and right across the state, are already among the most beautiful in the world, but this is a chance to make them even better.

“Projects funded through the Habitat Action Grants could include rehabilitation of river banks or wetlands, re-snagging waterways, reintroducing native vegetation or modifying barriers for fish to passage.

“The NSW Government has extended the deadline so that as many of our passionate and dedicated fishers can get their applications in, and give them great places to wet a line. So please, apply by Friday.”

Habitat Action Grants are funded from the Recreational Fishing Trusts, where all funds raised by the NSW Recreational Fishing Fee are placed. Mr Saunders said to apply for Habitat Actions Grants funding, groups should visit

“Every year recreational fishers pay their licence fees, and every single dollar of that is reinvested back into the fishing community,” he said.

“Even better is that the Habitat Action Grants are led by local groups who know their waterways better than anyone.”

Since their inception in 2009, the Recreational Fishing Trusts have invested more than $5 million into the Habitat Action Grants program throughout NSW. To find out more visit

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