Fletchers expansion to boost productivity and create jobs in Dubbo

One of Australia’s largest integrated processors and exporters of lamb and sheep meat products will be able to expand operations thanks to upgrades to the Dubbo facility made possible by the NSW Government’s Regional Job Creation Fund.

Member for the Dubbo electorate Dugald Saunders said a $4.5 million grant will help deliver the $14 million expansion of Fletcher International Exports, increasing its processing capacity to 11,000 head per day and creating over 400 ongoing full-time jobs.

Mr Saunders said the meat processing facility’s capacity to produce meat and skins has been limited by the amount of livestock the current facility can receive and the existing carton handling capacity.

“This project will increase the facility’s livestock and carton-handling facilities, enabling them to continue producing high-quality sheep and lamb products, uphold animal welfare standards and meet growing demand at both a domestic and international level,” he said.

“The upgrades will not only increase the facility’s processing capacity, but also double the rendering capacity of its by-product plant and introduce high-tech equipment to increase efficiency.”

Fletcher International Exports director Roger Fletcher said he is excited to see the NSW Government investing in regional job creation.

“Our business has spent a lot of time and money on building up to where we are today, and we love creating jobs for people,” he said.

“In all my years in business I’ve never seen a government invest in jobs for the bush like this, and I can’t wait to get the expansion completed and provide more opportunities for people to get into the workforce.”

The NSW Government contribution secures these 400 new full-time jobs for Dubbo while also generating additional indirect jobs on farm and in associated industries.

For eligibility criteria and program guidelines, go to: investregionalnsw.com/RJCFund.

1 thought on “Fletchers expansion to boost productivity and create jobs in Dubbo”

  1. Aaron Stockley

    Hey Dugald
    It’s seems a bit of a double standard- your happy to give hand outs to millionaire business men, in the name of supporting local jobs.
    While local infrastructure & construction projects are continually handed out to out of town companies ( mostly Sydney) who bring there out of town subcontractors with them.
    I have raised this point with you many times- & still await your response.

    There is growing resentment towards you & your government in the local area & I for one hope it results in your fat arse being voted out at the next election.

    You are nothing more than a mouth peice & photo opportunistic germ .

    You have no real life experience & worst of all refuse to listen to anyone that does.

    This is very disappointing to me as I have always been an avid coalition supporter/ voter.

    However I firmly believe they were scrapping the bottom of the barrel when they pick you .💩💩💩💩

    Aaron Stockley

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