Community urged to prepare for summer

Prepare a bushfire survival plan, don’t drive through floodwater, swim between the flags and make sure your home is fire safe this summer – these are some of the summer safety tips NSW emergency service agencies have shared ahead of the 2021 season.

Member for the Dubbo electorate Dugald Saunders said now is the time to prepare, ahead of decorating your home for Christmas and enjoying hot days by the water.

“People can’t become complacent – it is vital that everyone takes the time to know what your risk is and prepare,” Mr Saunders said.

All communities are urged to follow the following five steps:

  1. Know your risk: think about the area you’re in and the types of disasters that could affect you;
  2. Plan now for what you will do: talk with your family and plan for what you will do if a disaster affects your area or where you plan to holiday this summer;
  3. Get your home ready: prepare your home by doing general home maintenance and checking your insurance coverage;
  4. Be aware – find out how to prepare, what to do if there is a disaster in your area or where you intend to holiday this summer and connect with emergency services or keep on top of local news reports to stay informed; and
  5. Look out for each other – share information with your family, friends and neighbours. 

Minister for Police and Emergency Services David Elliott said Aussie summers are iconic, but they can also be tragic.

“Over the past few years, the NSW community has been hit hard, by fire, flood and even a pandemic, but these aren’t the only threats we face,” he said.

“I would urge everyone to use the start of summer to start a conversation with your friends and families about being prepared for other seasonal natural disasters, including heatwaves, storms, boating and other water accidents.”

Find out more about how to prepare for natural disasters via the Resilience NSW website.

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