The children of the Dubbo electorate unleashed their creativity in this year’s Christmas card design competition, according to Member for the Dubbo Electorate Dugald Saunders.
Each year Mr Saunders calls for primary-school children across the electorate to help design his Christmas card, and this year 12-year-old Aaron Devenish has brought the title back to Mudgee Public School.
Hot on his heels were 10-year-old Zeon Berger from St Mary’s Primary School in Dubbo, and 9-year-old Emily Lucan from Orana Heights Public School.
“This year saw a record number of entries with the theme ‘Let Loose from Lockdown’ – and the kids certainly let loose their creativity!” Mr Saunders said.
“Aaron’s design – a Ute packed to the brim with presents, zooming off on holiday – really captures that excitement we’re all feeling as Christmas approaches.
“The last couple of years have been really challenging for everyone – especially our kids – so this Christmas it’s time to party!”
COVID restrictions will ease further when NSW reaches 95% double vaccination, or 15 December, whichever comes first. Already more than 94% of people aged 16 and over in NSW have had one dose of a COVID vaccine, and more than 92% of people are fully vaccinated.
“We’re committed to making sure everyone can enjoy a safe and Merry Christmas,” Mr Saunders said.
Aaron’s Christmas card design will start arriving in mailboxes across the Dubbo electorate this week!