Celebrating our community of carers

The community thanks the hundreds of selfless individuals who provide hours of ongoing unpaid support to family, friends and neighbours, as we celebrate the 30th anniversary of National Carers Week.

Member for the Dubbo electorate Dugald Saunders said carers go above and beyond to ensure their loved ones are best supported.

“Carers look after the most vulnerable members in our community and there is no better time than Carers Week to recognise the extraordinary work they do day in, day out,” Mr Saunders said.

“This year’s theme ‘Millions of Reasons to Care!’ is a testament to the hours carers in our region put in.

“The latest ABS data shows carers provide over 690 million hours of informal care each year, so if you know a carer, make sure you tell them what a great job they’re doing.”

Minister for Families and Communities and Minister for Disability Services Natasha Maclaren-Jones said this is a week to celebrate each and every carer in our state for the work they do and highlight the supports they have available.

“Caring for a loved one takes dedication and patience,” Mrs Maclaren-Jones said.

“These selfless individuals in our community don’t look for thanks and praise but their incredible efforts need to be celebrated.

“Our carers are the backbone of our state. And we want them to know they are not alone. That is why we are investing in the support our carers need to look after themselves and their loved ones.”

In NSW, there are 854,300 informal carers and almost 80,000 of them are young carers under 25. Carers provide support to people with disability, mental illness, chronic illness, frail age, dementia or drug or alcohol dependency.

The NSW Government has committed $4.9 million to support carers as part of the NSW Carers Strategy 2020-2030.

If you are a carer, there are a range of resources and supports available to you. Find out more at www.carergateway.gov.au You can talk to a carer gateway service provider by calling 1800 422 737. If you want help understanding English, call the free translation service on 131 450 before calling the helpline.

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