From my Desk


The Trangie Golf Club can now be accessed by even more community members with the help of a grant from the former NSW Government’s Community Building Partnerships program.  Member for the Dubbo electorate Dugald Saunders announced $90,280 for the Trangie Golf Club Cooperative to construct an accessible pergola back in 2022 and the project is now complete.   “Player numbers have dropped a bit in recent years, but the team at the golfie know it’s not just about the sport, but also about bringing people together,” Mr Saunders said.  “Whether you’re interested in playing golf or not, we want to encourage […]


Vaccination Rates across the Region

Vaccination has been an absolute game-changer in the fight against COVID-19 and it’s fantastic for our community that things can start to open up progressively from next Monday: These freedoms are only made possible thanks to high rates of vaccination, and I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has done the right thing by your loved ones and the wider community by getting vaccinated! Vaccination reduces the risk of you spreading the virus to someone vulnerable, which could cost them their life. It also means some changes to the way we deal with COVID cases going

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NSW’s Roadmap and Dubbo’s Western Cancer Centre

There was some great news early this week with further details on NSW’s roadmap for easing restrictions for fully vaccinated people. We know stay-at-home orders will be lifted for fully vaccinated adults when NSW reaches the 70 percent double dose vaccination target (Stage 1), which is expected from 11 October. From the Monday after NSW hits the 80 percent target (end of October), restrictions will be eased for those who are fully vaccinated: Up to 10 visitors will be allowed in a home (not including those 12 and under), Community sports will be permitted, Retail stores can operate at one

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Burrendong Dam and NSW Blue Plaques Program

Great news over the weekend with restrictions being eased to coincide with the warmer days and rapidly rising vaccination rates! Burrendong Dam and Cudgegong Waters both reopened to the Dubbo Regional local government area (LGA) over the weekend for the purposes of exercise and recreation (including boating). Mookerawa Waters has also thrown open its gates. Check the COVID-safe measures in place: NSW Health has also announced that outdoor public swimming pools can reopen from Monday 27 September, with strict COVID-safe protocols in place. Not all councils will reopen their pools but for those that do, this will be a

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Dubbo Regional Sports Hub and COVID-19

The development applications for the Dubbo Regional Sports Hub were submitted to Dubbo Regional Council last week. The hub will be developed on Charles Sturt University land, with Stage 1 involving the construction of a $25.3 million PCYC and Multi Indoor Sport Facility featuring a combination of basketball, gymnastics, indoor hockey, netball, futsal and volleyball courts, providing an all-weather venue for sporting participants of all levels. This is such an exciting milestone and it’s fantastic to see the project gathering momentum. I look forward to the hundreds of local construction jobs and the boost to our local economy the project

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Sports Infrastructure Grants and Women of the Year

Applications are now open for the NSW Government’s sports infrastructure fund. The fund will provide grants from $100,000 up to $1 million to eligible sport and recreation organisations and councils. Eligible projects include lighting, amenity buildings, clubrooms, change rooms and grandstands, with a particular focus on projects that encourage the participation of women, girls, and people with a disability. Sport and exercise are vital for our physical and mental wellbeing. When COVID doesn’t get in the way, sport brings people together. We can’t gather down at the kids footy or netball at the moment, but when we can, I want

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There was some really positive news around COVID-19 over the weekend with Australia’s second drive-through vaccination centre opening right here in Dubbo. The new clinic threw open its ‘doors’ at the Ewen MacInnes Pavilion at the Dubbo Showground on Saturday, and will aim to vaccinate about 200 people per day. Bookings are essential: Both Pfizer and Astrazeneca are available depending on your eligibility: or call 1800 022 222. This drive-through clinic will be a real game-changer for the many families and others with caring responsibilities, who have previously struggled to access vaccination, and it’s a real coup for

COVID-19. Read More »


There was some really positive news around COVID-19 over the weekend with Australia’s second drive-through vaccination centre opening right here in Dubbo. The new clinic threw open its ‘doors’ at the Ewen MacInnes Pavilion at the Dubbo Showground on Saturday, and will aim to vaccinate about 200 people per day. Bookings are essential: Both Pfizer and Astrazeneca are available depending on your eligibility: or call 1800 022 222. This drive-through clinic will be a real game-changer for the many families and others with caring responsibilities, who have previously struggled to access vaccination, and it’s a real coup for

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Just last week I wrote that we had sewage detection of the virus that causes COVID-19 in both Dubbo and Mudgee. I wrote that it was likely this meant someone in our communities had the virus. That night, our worst fears were confirmed with a woman testing positive in Dubbo. By 1pm on Wednesday we were under stay-at-home orders and by 11am on Monday, 16 August, we had a total of 90 active confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Dubbo, with cases also confirmed in Walgett (4) and Mudgee (3). The reality is that we are facing an extremely serious situation

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Roadworks and COVID-19 sewage detection

Diversions will be in place at the West Dubbo roundabout this weekend as long-awaited work to upgrade the Newell and Mitchell Highway intersection enters the home stretch. diversions ill be in place from 7pm on Friday 13th August, via Baird Street and Young Street, with access blocked through the intersection, until 7am on Monday 16th August. Work will be carried out day and night, with night work planned to minimise the impact to the wider community and the noisiest work to completed prior to midnight. Motorists are advised to follow the direction of all signs and traffic control, including speed

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