Better journeys for Ballimore residents

Motorists using Ballimore Road can look forward to safer and more efficient journeys with Member for the Dubbo electorate Dugald Saunders announcing the latest funding from the NSW Government’s Fixing Local Roads program.

Mr Saunders said Dubbo Regional Council has secured over $1.4 million to continue its upgrade of Ballimore Road.

“This road directly supports the transport of rural freight to a highly productive catchment area of over 13,000 hectares, but less than half of its 23-kilometre length is sealed,” Mr Saunders said.

“We know how crucial it is for rural people to have safe and efficient road access, whether they’re moving agricultural machinery and products, or travelling for the purposes of work, education, medical appointments or to see family and friends.

“This government is committed to fixing the roads local people use every day, and this investment is another example of that.”

The announcement builds on the $999,124.50 already delivered to DRC to seal two dangerous road curves, and reconstruct and seal the intersections with Windora Road and Wongajong Lane.

The latest funding will enable council to rehabilitate another 3.7km section of road, including widening a 1.75km section south of the Westella Road intersection, as well as the renewal of pavement and wearing surfaces, new seal, upgraded drainage and new guardrail.

Dubbo Regional Council Mayor Mathew Dickerson welcomed the funding.

“This road provides connection for the community of Ballimore to both Wellington and Dubbo,” Councillor Dickerson said.

“This funding will directly benefit residents through a reduction in travel times, an improvement in road safety and ultimately the establishment of all-weather access.

“Receiving this funding at this time is a positive step as we can keep the same crews in place to continue the works to upgrade sections of Ballimore Road.”

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