AFL juniors score big thanks to Community Building Partnerships program

Dubbo junior and senior AFL teams will have an easier time keeping score with a much-needed upgrade now possible thanks to the NSW Government.

Member for the Dubbo electorate Dugald Saunders has announced $22,000 for the Dubbo Junior Australian Rules Football Club to purchase and install a new LED scoreboard at South Dubbo Oval.

“The current scoreboard is quite dilapidated and poses a safety risk for club volunteers – as well as the kids who are drawn to climb on it,” Mr Saunders said.

“After 40 years of AFL in Dubbo, the Demons’ home ground is getting a much-needed revamp with an upgraded amenities block underway and our recent announcement of more than $550,000 for a club house and women’s change and bathrooms.

“The new scoreboard will complete the transformation of South Dubbo Oval to a state-of-the-art facility, which will help to grow the game locally, as well as attract more events and visitors to Dubbo.”

The new LED scoreboard will replace the existing one, but club president Merinda Roll said the Lorni Hyland Memorial Scoreboard will be repurposed in consultation with the broader AFL community.

“She means a lot to the AFL football family in Dubbo,” Ms Roll said.

“But the scoreboard we’ve got at the moment is a health and safety issue, kids love to try and climb it and there’s just too much risk of an injury.

“The new one will be able to play music, show sponsors, photos of players and video highlights, it’ll really increase the atmosphere. It’ll be phenomenal.”

For more information about the NSW Government’s Community Building Partnership Program, visit

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