A step up for the Dubbo Triathlon Club

The Dubbo Triathlon club will be able to host a broader range of events in the future, thanks to $28,455 from the NSW Government to help build more steps with hand-rails into the Macquarie River for the swim legs during competitions.

Member for the Dubbo Electorate Dugald Saunders said the grant is from the Stronger Country Communities Fund, and will provide a great boost for the club.

“The Dubbo Triathlon Club has been noticeably growing in participation and community involvement over recent years, and this is a really practical way I can support the members into the future.”

“The grant will go towards building more concrete steps with hand-rails along the riverbank at various distances to allow for a greater range of swim-legs and races, and although the club can’t be active right now, it will make a big difference in the future and give members something to look forward to,” Mr Saunders said.  

President of the Dubbo Triathlon Club Jason Dearmer said the club is very grateful to receive the money.

“We’re really excited as a club to be receiving this grant from the State Government, and it’s going to give us a lot more opportunities during our future racing seasons to hold different events, and really get a lot of good community engagement in the sport of triathlon.”

Mr Dearmer said the steps will be a fantastic asset for the club, but will also benefit the community.

‘The steps will be available for use by all people from Dubbo and surrounds to be able to utilise the fantastic resources of the river, and just make it a bit safer to use as well.”

The $400 million Stronger Country Communities Fund is part of the NSW Government’s $1.7 billion Regional Growth Fund, which is being invested in local programs and infrastructure that improve the lives of people living in regional NSW.

For more information, visit: www.nsw.gov.au/strongercountrycommunities

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